Cheesecake with red fruits

This Cheesecake is a delicious no-bake dessert, perfect during the hot summer months! Fast and easy.

Cheesecake with red fruits

This Cheesecake is a delicious no-bake dessert, perfect during the hot summer months! Fast and easy. Creamy and perfect with a simple fruit coulis, raspberry and blackberry topping.


  • 50g melted butter + a little bit for the moulds
  • 100g butter biscuit or speculoos, crushed
  • 400g Philadelphia cheese
  • Lime juice
  • 40g sugar
  • 200g liquid cream
  • Red fruit coulis
L'Épicerie Luxembourg Cheescake


  1. Melt the butter in a pot on low heat. Grease the 4 moulds. When the butter is melted, mix it with the butter biscuits or speculoos. Put them in the bottom of the mould and firmly press.
  2. In a bowl, whip the cheese with the lime juice and sugar. In a second bowl, whip the liquid cream until its whipped cream. In a slowly movement mix the two creams together.
  3. Put the cream on top of the biscuit mix. Leave it in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
  4. Remove the moulds and add your toppings, I chose raspberry and blackberry, but you can use whatever berry you prefer.

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